Hi there, and welcome to the Treasure Exchange! We're a team of Berkeley students who wanted to buy and sell secondhand items in a marketplace where everyone is trusted. We built this website in our free time to help students like you. Please enjoy the website, and feel free to submit feedback here or contact us at thetreasurex@gmail.com anytime.
- The TreasureX team

Maggie Jiya Zhang
Maggie is a UC Berkeley MEng student ('21) majoring in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. She started working on this project in January 2020 and hopes to build more sustainable campuses by encouraging students to buy and sell used items on a well-connected, safe platform. She is also interested in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality and their applications in education, healthcare, and transportation.
Prateek Sahay
Prateek is a Berkeley MBA/MEng student ('22) passionate about building beautiful things with technology. He has 5 years' experience in the robotics industry and earned his Bachelor's at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Robotics Engineering. In his free time, he enjoys UI design and woodworking.
Rebecca Sung
Becca is a UC Berkeley MEng student ('21) studying mechanical engineering with a concentration in product design. She is an avid scuba diver frustrated with the amount of trash in our oceans, which led her to join the effort in building a more sustainable campus.
Menson Li
Menson is a UC Berkeley MEng student ('22) majoring in Mechanical Engineering. Before coming to Berkeley, he was in the robotics and automotive industry, building software for autonomous trucks and electric vehicles. Outside of school and work, you can find him tinkering with small robotics projects at home and driving his Miata in the Santa Cruz mountains.